Going on a year sober made Mitch a certifiable lightweight. He didn’t hate that two glasses of whatever he sucked down -some take on a Long Island- already had him warm and fuzzy. The world felt a little softer, like a vintage Polaroid photograph or an old vinyl that occasionally popped. Memories resurfaced of conversations…
Chapter 15.4
Sensory overload immediately crippled Mitch when he stepped foot into the dining hall. All of the lighting and sound equipment that Jodie rented for the show was fully operational, and hopefully no one would get too drunk and accidentally break any of it. Most of the staff and roster were present and filled the enormous…
Chapter 15.3
Music could be heard all the way from the dining hall, echoing loudly in the woods. Spotting the soft glow of colored lights from a distance, Mitch used them as a guide while he wandered through the dark. Less than several feet into the trek, he cursed about wearing heels on soft ground and the…
Chapter 15.2
As Mitch stood in front of a floor length mirror of his assigned cabin, he concluded that -perhaps- he ordered the wrong item. Or rather, the item itself wasn’t incorrect, but his search should have been more specific than ‘Halloween long black dress‘. He’d never actually seen The Addams Family, and wentalong with the idea…
Chapter 15.1
Camp Forgues was a decades-ago overnight camp that was built during the peak of the nuclear family era. A bumpy dirt road used to led up to it, but it finally received some much needed paving due to real estate development in the area. After supplies were loaded into a box truck, he and Sandy…
Chapter 14.4
Mitch readjusted the rearview mirror, and a smile crept up on his face when it reflected the guitar in the back seat. Hopefully this was a step in the direction for atonement, even if it wasn’t in great shape. When he got home, he left the other two guitars in the trunk and grabbed the…
Chapter 14.3
When the session wrapped up, they went over what would need tweaking, but overall it went smoothly with minimal hiccups. Before leaving the basement, Mitch asked if Darius had any right handed acoustic guitars for sale at his shop, and Darius responded by grabbing one from his own collection. Its dull black veneer had seen…
Chapter 14.2
After years of Darius claiming that he’d get around to it, his basement was at last finished. “Fellas,” he gestured proudly once all three of them settled at the bottom of the newly carpeted stairs. “Welcome to my studio.” While Mitch pressed on some of the grey foam tiles, Darius expanded upon the lengths he…
Chapter 14.1
At the last possible moment, all three members of Liner Notes came together for a rehearsal. Mitch and Basil already committed to the gig, and Darius managed to sort the date out with his wife, so they were good to go. They agreed to meet at Darius’ house in Lowell, because transporting a few guitars…
Chapter 13.9
Jodie’s bedroom window was visible from the driveway, and light poured from it. Chances were that she was probably still awake. Mitch stared up at the second floor and swallowed hard, debating avoiding her altogether by sleeping on the couch that night. “You coming?” Avi shouted over the rain. “No,” Mitch shook his head, sending…