Not much to share on this one either, since the focus for the next few weeks is on getting as many future posts edited as I can. I do have some Q&As that aren’t finished, which I wanted to get done for an Intermission post. Oh well, I’ll have those up sometimes in the near future.
But on the newsfront: All 16 posted chapters are now REVISED AND EDITED. Again, huge thanks to Louser for helping me with that task. So everything should flow smoothly now!
Going forward, what I might offer something like similar to a bug bounty program. I still need to work out the details for how to go about it, but the premise is that I’d offer rewards like pins, magnets, and stickers/decals in exchange for submitting spelling and grammar errors that you come across (or like, when my wording is way too convoluted?). Rewards would probably go out every 2-3 months and might be tiered as well, based on how many ”bugs” caught per reader.
Again, still toying with the idea, so nothing concrete just yet! I’ll try to have a system in place before this Saturday, but I can’t guarantee that because my laptop is getting repaired at this very moment (whomp whomp).
Anyway, I updated the portraits for Mitch, Jodie, and Avi. I still have a bunch of portraits to add to the Characters page, which is another thing that I’m gonna try to get done in the next few days.
Don’t know how long it’ll be before I update them yet again, but here there are for now:

OK, that does it! Thank you everyone that’s supported me, stuck in there, left comments (SORRY THAT I HAVEN’T RESPONDED TO ANY RECENT ONES, I’VE BEEN SO BUSY AND MY SPOONS HAVE BEEN SO LOW), and so on. I’m so excited to resume posting REAL updates.
As a quick reminder before I sign off, Chapter 17…gets kinda dark. It isn’t explicit (I intentionally kept the content vague), but please mind the warnings posted in the About section. When it gets to the part in question, I’ll add another reminder at the top of the post.