Alt title: “Oh my god of COURSE my laptop decided that it needed to restart as soon as I started typing this up”
ANYWAY here’s what’s been happening around here:
LAST CHANCE TO SIGN UP FOR VALENTINES They’re getting mailed out next week!
-MORE REVISIONS. Unfortunately, it’s all been for Chapter 21, despite writing almost every day of the week for the month of January. Which is fine, I just thought I’d be further along by now. But with how heavy Chapter 20 was and then processing that aftermath in 21…it’s a lot. Maybe more than I was ready for. Having this time to work on it and digest the content has been good, but it needed a gallon of elbow grease (I can sort of tell where I was distraught when I first wrote it and left the heavy lifting for Future Jack to tackle).
Plan is to break down the Chapter 21 updates into slightly smaller pieces of my own sanity. Give myself a little more breathing room.
-Downloaded TyranoBuilder, which is a visual novel engine. Been playing with it a little in prep for March.
-Worked on an illustration for 21.2 that’s…kind of spoiler-y, so I’m not gonna post it here. If you don’t mind spoilers for IC, you can check it out on the Tumblr account (WARNING: the Tumblr is basically nothing but spoilers!)
-Worked on this guy as well
Trying to decide what I wanna do with it. Thinking an acrylic charm or keychain?
-Updates will resume on Weds, Feb 8th. Thought that I could resume sooner, but I cannot stress enough how much labor this goddamn chapter’s been! Chapter 22 is a lot of fun, though, I promise.